Thursday, December 3, 2009


rapporteur / rap-or-TUHR / noun : 1. Someone appointed by an organization, group, or committee to investigate or monitor an issue, and compile and present the findings.
2. One who is designated to record the deliberations of a meeting.

Notes & Etymology: From the French raportour (reporter).), from rapporter (to bring back, report), from apporter (to bring), from Latin portare (carry). The word rapporteur in French has various other meanings besides a reporter, such as an informer or a tattletale, and a protractor.

Usage: “The United Nations special rapporteur, Raquel Rolnik, listened to it all patiently, occasionally taking notes, nodding encouragement . "
Chris McGreal; UN Meets Homeless Victims of American Property Dream; The Guardian (London, UK); Nov 12, 2009.